Texas Baptist Men
Aviation Fellowship.

I sit here in the light blue shirt just behind the wheel, with a group of people that are merely tools in God's hands.
You hang around with them long enough you will quickly learn that there is no limit to what God can achieve.
God is great!

You'll notice the yellow sticker on the door of the 1954 Cessna 180.  Texas Disaster Relief is what it reads.
We, Texas Baptist Men, show up as Gods ambassadors to meet the needs of people after any disaster this world can throw at us.
Though our focus of ministry is in the State of Texas, these individuals never hesitate to travel world wide to be used.

This group was envisioned many years ago by my father and the gentle man to my left, (your right) John LaNoue.
Someday soon, I hope to post some stories of events of service.
Floods, Fires, Tornados, Hurricanes, Refuge camps.
God is there, we're on the way.

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